Closed-Loop Pallet Program

Our Closed Looped System

A Kamps Closed Loop System is designed to give your
organization true peace of mind and trust in your pallet
operations. Our experts take care of all the heavy lifting, allowing your team to focus on their main duties.

We begin our program with on-time pickups. Our fleet picks up your pallets from various points within your supply chain, including customer facilities, and takes them to our facility.

Once the pallets arrive at our facility, our pallet experts sort and count them. Detailed reports are generated based on these counts, giving your team full transparency.

Kamps swiftly repairs any pallets in need of repairs and returns them into your supply chain. Any additional needs are backfilled by our abundant pallet inventory. Pallets that have reached their end-of-life are sustainability recycled.

Global Automotive Manufacturers - Closed Loop Program Saves Millions

Kamps was tasked with overhauling two national pallet programs by introducing a closed-loop system that utilized our asset recovery network to introduce used pallets into the supply chain, allowing both companies to take full advantage of the resources around them.

Our experts were able to tailor unique closed-loop pallet management systems for both parties, ensuring the right fit for both supply chains.

To read more about Kamps' comprehensive system, click on the image to the right.

Experience the Kamps Difference today

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